Wind Power & Energy Yield Forecast

Forecast Horizon -> Seven days ahead


Jorge A. Thomas


September 18, 2024

Wind power and on-site energy forecast for a Goldwind turbine model GW 165-6.0 6300.

Location and Site Assessment

Source: Google Earth
Figure 1: Location of the wind turbine.
Coordinates 53.880001068115234°N 7.400000095367432°E
Elevation 0.0 m asl
Timezone None None
Timezone difference to GMT+0 0 s

Forecasted Generated Power by the Wind Turbine

Daily Forecasted Energy Yield of the Wind Turbine

Requested Weather Variables (DWD ICON)

  • relative_humidity_2m [%]
  • surface_pressure [hPa]
  • wind_speed_120m [m/s]
  • temperature_120m [°C]

Tech Stack

  • CI/CD: Docker & GitHub Actions
  • Quarto
  • Python
  • Open Meteo
  • Numeric Weather Prediction (NWP): DWD ICON
  • R
  • ggplot
  • plotly

GW 165-6.0 6300
Figure 2: Wind turbine model.